Meet Muhammad Nafi: the baby with a heart-shaped head

An Indonesian baby has been born with a huge tumour on the right side of his face, causing his head to become heart-shaped.

Muhammad Nafi, who is two weeks old, has a massive growth which has been increasing in size rapidly since before he was born.

He has been left with a drastically swollen and misshapen head.

Muhammad is the second child of mother Mailani, 22, and father Buasin, 32, who works as a farmer in a remote and isolated area of West Kalimantan.

‘I am confused of what I have to do with my son. I can only submit myself to the fate,’ Mrs Nafi said.

Muhammad is currently being cared for at St Antonius Hospital in Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan province.

He was born weighing a healthy 7lbs with the help of a midwife.
His mother said she experienced no major problems during her pregnancy, although she did feel nauseous from the fourth month onwards. 
