Boko Haram leader, Shekau claims responsibility for attack on Giwa Barracks; ...threatens to attack universities and Civilian JTF in new video

The Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, has claimed responsibility for the recent attack on Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri, describing it as a huge success.

Mr. Shekau, in a new video released Sunday, claimed that thousands of his detained supporters were released and are back in their jungle hideouts.

The video also showed a full footage of how the barracks was attacked in shots apparently carefully taken by one of the attacking members of the Boko Haram sect.

The video had chilling details of how easily the Boko Haram gunmen invaded the fortified Giwa barracks, having ample time until the eventual jail break that saw to the release of virtually all the detainees, most of whom were seen hailing the gunmen and chanting Allahu Akbar.

Even women and children among the freed detainees were seen helping the Boko Haram members with information about the cells and the barracks’ geography.

The video contrasts the military’s version of the attack .The Nigerian military had said over 100 members of the Boko Haram sect were killed during the attack. The military said the attempt by the Boko Haram insurgents to free their detained members at the barracks failed.

Mr. Shekau, in another part of the video, said his next focus of attack would be members of the Civilian-JTF who he said had offended his group by helping the soldiers in the fight against them.

Mr. Shekau also reiterated his hate for western education and anything related to it. He threatened to attack universities if they are not shut.
The full text of his transcribed message delivered in Hausa and his local dialect, Kanuri, reads:

“Of course there is no doubt about it; we carried out the attacks in Maiduguri and we were responsible for the other attacks being carried out all over. But the Giwa Barracks attack is something worth telling, because Allah has helped us to kill his enemies in Giwa Barracks. We launched the Maiduguri attacks and killed infidels in Giwa Barracks.

“But specifically, I will devote half of my speech to the issue of Civilian JTF. Your name is not Civilian JTF but Civilian Trouble.

“My advice to you so-called Civilian-JTF is to flee, take up arms, get conscripted into the army or police, because I am telling you is that I have started a war against you. The war against you has just begun.

“In this world, there are two kinds of people; there are those who are with us or those who are against us, and the latter group are those I’ll kill once I spot them. From now on, my focus of attack is going to be the Civilian-JTF.

“Let the Civilian-JTF know that this is me, Shekau talking. You will now really understand the person called Shekau. You don’t know my madness, right? It is now that you will see the true face of my madness. I swear by Allah’s holy name that I will slaughter you. I will not be happy if I don’t personally put my knife on your necks and slit your throats. Yes! I’ll slaughter you! I’ll slaughter you! And I’ll slaughter you again and again.

“I call on all my followers and brethren wherever you are, to rise and take up arms and start killing the vagabond. Kill them, kill them and kill them. Now our religion and our way of worship is nothing but killings, killings and killings! Kill and slaughter but don’t eat them. You should spare the old, women, the lunatic, and the repentant.

“You only succeeded in arresting innocent civilians in the city, placing tyres on their necks and setting them alight.

“By Allah, I will kill you. Killing is my job. Let’s kill them all, we’d rather leave this world. Let the whole world perish! May Allah curse you!

“Oh! Allah, they are your servants but are they are assisting (Goodluck) Jonathan, they are your servants who pray but are humouring the Koran, they are your servants but are assisting Clinton and Obama.

“Allah gave us the courage to break into Giwa Barracks (where) we killed and we burnt. We rescued over 2,000 of our brethren, and most of them Commanders!…One of them even took up a gun and started fighting there. They all got away.

“Glory be to Allah. The world has changed! Work has started. And for your information, western education is forbidden. University is forbidden, you should vacate university! You should leave university, I hate university. You should quit university, I hate it, bastard.

“Western education is totally forbidden. Girls, you should return to your homes. In Islam, it is allowed to take infidel women as slaves and in due course we will start taking women away and sell in the market.

“We carried out the Maiduguri attack. And those you killed included freed detainees who were not our members but ordinary people who on being freed headed to town, thinking they were safe. They were dressed in shorts and when you encountered them you mistook them for us and killed them. This was what really happened.

“We rescued all of our brethren, we gave them clothing, shelter, vehicles, food and all they needed….Our brethren are in good state, we thank God.

“Nigerians, let me let you know that you are in serious disaster. Don’t think we are northerners, because you are misunderstanding the whole thing. Let me make it crystal clear to you save you from unnecessary distorted newspapers and the radio analysis on issues you don’t understand. We are not fighting the north, we are fighting the world. And you will see us fighting the world. This is our job.

“I promise that we will kill all your (Muslim) clerics. Just like I killed Albani and it was splashed all over the newspapers. I’ll kill them all. Who was Albani, he was nothing. I’ll kill all of them. I’ll spare none but who follow Allah and the Prophet. Whoever follows Jews and the west is my enemy.

“My brethren wherever you are, in Abuja, Lagos, or the south-south, wherever you are, commence attacks. Even as an individual, take up your swords and slaughter anyone you come across in his sleep.

“My brethren, take up knives and start slaughtering people. Just pick up your knife and break into homes and kill. I heard some people asking Jonathan to relocate to the northeast to take charge of the fight against us, but let me tell you, Jonathan is too small, let even Obama, the President of America relocate to Nigeria and take charge, we will not be deterred”.
