34-year-old man arraigned for raping 9-year-old girl

A 34-year-old foodstuff seller, Azubuike Eboh, has been arraigned before an Ebute Meta Magistrate’s Court for allegedly raping a nine-year-old girl.

It was learnt that the victim and the defendant lived on Zion Street, Sari Iganmu, Lagos State where the incident happened.

The court was told that Eboh had visited the home of the victim on the day of the incident and sent her to buy him a cigarette.

When the victim returned, the defendant was said to have left for his house, which was a few metres away.

It was learnt that the nine-year-old went to his house to look for him, and was allegedly raped by the defendant.

She was said to have related the matter to her parents who then reported it at the Iganmu Police station.

Eboh was arraigned on one count of rape.

The charge reads, “That you, Azubuike Eboh, on January 27, 2014, around 2pm, at 26, Zion Street, Sari Iganmu, Lagos in the Lagos Magisterial District, did have sexual intercourse with one (name withheld) aged nine years.”

The police prosecutor, Inspector Richard Odige, said the offence was punishable under Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2011.

The defendant pleaded not guilty and elected summary trial.

His defence counsel asked for his bail in liberal terms.

The magistrate, Ms S.O Solebo, however denied the defendant bail.

She said, “Due to the nature of the offence, the punishment prescribed by law and the rampancy of the offence in the society, the defendant is hereby denied bail pending legal advice from the Directorate of Public Prosecution.”

The matter was adjourned till March 12, 2014.
