22-year-old man arraigned for raping a 2-year-old girl

A 22-year-old man, Chekwube Odunze, has been arraigned before an Ebute Meta Magistrate’s Court for allegedly raping a two-year-old child.

The police said the incident happened at Aboru Oke-Odo area of Lagos.

It was learnt that the defendant was fond of distributing yoghurt to little children in the area, with which he won their friendship.

Odunze, who worked as an operator in a pure water factory, was said to have taken the victim into his room in the afternoon of December 23, 2013.

It was learnt that the victim’s mother was washing clothes when he took her daughter into his room.

Some minutes later, the little girl came out and started pointing towards her private part, while screaming in pains and shouting the defendant’s name.

The mother reportedly checked and saw blood in her child’s pants.

She was said to have reported the matter at the police station, which led to the arrest of the defendant.

It was gathered that a medical test on the victim proved there was indeed a penetration, although Odunze denied touching the child.

He was however arraigned on one count of rape which read, “That you, Chekwube Odunze, on December 23, 2013 at about 3pm at 6, Temidire Street, Aboru Oke Odo, Lagos in the Lagos Magisterial District, did have sexual intercourse with one (name withheld) aged two years and 11 months and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2011.”

He pleaded not guilty and elected summary trial.

The prosecutor, Corporal Cyriacus Osuji, applied that he be remanded in prison pending legal advice from the Directorate of Public Prosecution.

According to Osuji, the charge was felonious and upon conviction, the defendant was liable to life punishment.

However, the defence counsel, Ola Ogunbiyi said, “This is a misconception. The court has the constitutional and statutory power to grant bail in this matter. First, the charge before the court is having sex. It is not felonious or punishable by life imprisonment. Again, the court is not bound to send a case that is not armed robbery or murder to the DPP for legal advice. The power of the court is wide and discretionary.”

He added that the parents of the victim had agreed to withdraw the matter from court since the parties were neighbours, wondering why the police still insisted on prosecuting the matter.

The magistrate, Mrs Demi Ajayi, agreed to grant the defendant bail.

Odunze was admitted to bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties each in like sum.

The matter was adjourned till February 3, 2014.


  1. may God deliver our children from this rapist


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