All Progressives Congress (APC) calls for President Goodluck Jonathan's impeachment

The All Progressives Congress has called on the National Assembly to immediately commence the process of impeaching President Goodluck Jonathan for alleged gross misconduct.

It said in a statement on Sunday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, that Jonathan’s impeachment would save Nigeria from imminent collapse.

But the Presidency warned the APC and others, who it said were bent on plunging the nation into political instability, to be ready for the consequences of treasonable action.

The opposition party, however, said it made the call with a high sense of responsibility and strong belief that the impeachment of the President was a legitimate constitutional option available to the National Assembly not only to protect the nation’s democracy, but to ensure its unity.

It explained that it based the call for Jonathan’s impeachment on the dangerous drifting of the country.

The APC added that there was a total failure of leadership, insecurity, unprecedented corruption, impunity, massive unemployment and hunger in the country.

The statement reads in part, ‘’Since the raison d’etre of any government is the security and welfare of the citizenry, and the present administration has failed to live up to the justification of its existence, there can be no other definition of gross misconduct but that.
“Therefore, the time has come for the head of that government, on whose desk the buck stops, to be removed through the provisions stipulated in the 1999 Constitution. This is the patriotic thing to do.”
The APC warned that if the National Assembly failed to act very fast, it would share with the “clueless and feckless” Jonathan administration, the blame for dashing the hopes of millions of Nigerians, especially the youth.

The party said it was necessary for anyone who might say the call for the impeachment of the President was outlandish to remember that all it would take to torpedo the current democracy was “for this increasingly-paranoid government to get a pliant judge to put a judicial stamp on just one of its litany of illegalities.”
