Pictures of Judith Amaechi’s condolence visit to Patience Jonathan surfaces

Patience Jonathan flanked by Mrs. Amaechi and the First Lady of Bayelsa State during Mrs. Jonathan’s visit to Port Harcourt after the death of her mother.
The Rivers State government has released a picture of the wife of Rivers State governor, Dame Judith Amaechi signing the condolence register of Mrs Iwari Oba the mother of First Lady Dame Patience Jonathan, to counter a comment credited to the First Lady that no official from the state government felt it was necessary to visit her (read HERE).

The picture was released by Government House, Port Harcourt barely 24 hours after a statement signed by Mrs Ayo Adesugba, a Director of Information in the presidency was released in Abuja, made the allegation.

The statement said, “It should be noted that while several groups and individuals from across the country came to condole the First Lady and Mr. president on the death of her mother, no official of Rivers State government deemed it fit to pay the first family condolence visit, yet they claimed the first lady is a daughter of Rivers State.”

“He who must go to equity must go with clean hands. They should learn to give respect to those who deserve respect so that they too can earn respect,” she had added.
But findings show that Rivers State government not only condoled with the First Lady; Judith Amaechi, wife of Rotimi Amaechi, the Rivers State Governor, was accompanied by Mr. Ikuru and other state government functionaries to a condolence visit to Mrs. Jonathan on July 26.

The Rivers State delegation had, earlier on that day, received Mrs. Jonathan at the Port Harcourt International Airport, Omagwa.

Several photographs of Mrs. Amaechi signing the condolence register at the King Perekule’s residence of the late Mrs. Oba were published by various newspapers.

During the condolence visit, Mrs. Amaechi signed the register placed before a framed portrait of Mrs. Oba and a photograph of Favour, her grandchild, who also died in the accident.

One week after Mrs. Jonathan’s loss, Mr. Amaechi issued a condolence statement over Mrs. Oba’s demise saying that he received the news with “utmost shock and sadness.”

“No doubt the demise of a loved one leaves us feeling hollow and alone. Yet, in the midst of our pain, we must not forget that we are Christians and therefore should not mourn like those without hope,” the Rivers governor had said.

The First Lady had reportedly snubbed Mr. Ikuru, who had gone to welcome her on Sunday, at the Port Harcourt International Airport, Omagwa.

Mrs. Jonathan’s security aides prevented Mr. Ikuru and other Rivers State government officials from getting near the First Lady.

Mrs. Jonathan justified her actions in her statement, late Monday, saying that no official of her home state came to commiserate with her family in their time of loss.

Mrs. Amaechi signing the condolence register at Mrs. Oba’s residence


  1. Madam dame lied mtchewwww

  2. first lady my foot, shes just making a foll of herself - oshisko


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