"Nigeria will not break up" – President Goodluck Jonathan

“Those who have predicted that Nigeria will break up by the turn of the century when the country will be marking its centenary anniversary will be disappointed because Nigeria will continue to remain one indivisible entity”.

These were the words of President Goodluck Jonathan while speaking at the traditional eid el-fitri homage paid to muslim faithfuls in the federal capital territory, Abuja today.

The delegation led by the vice president, Namadi Sambo, were in the presidential villa to congratulate the president for joining them to fast and they also prayed for the unity of the country.

The president said that he cannot imagine a Nigeria without muslims or Christians, he also told his visitors that he will do his best to reposition the country urging Nigerians to use the positives that accrue from their diversity be they Christians or muslims.

President Jonathan urged them to continue to pray for peace not only in the country but all over the world as that will be the bases for true development.


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