More deaths as violence resume in Egypt; ...stand-off at Cairo mosque

More than 20 people have died in fresh violence in Egypt, as protesters loyal to the ousted President Mohammed Morsi clash again with security forces.

Two days ago the protesters' camps were broken up, leaving at least 638 dead and causing international condemnation.

In the wake of Wednesday's violence, the interior ministry says police have been authorised to use live ammunition "within a legal framework". 'March of Anger'.

Meanwhile, Egyptian security forces have entered a mosque in the capital, Cairo, to try to persuade Muslim Brotherhood supporters barricaded inside to leave.

Dozens remain, refusing to believe the authorities' pledge of a safe exit.

The tense stand-off follows a day of bloody clashes on Friday in which more than 80 people died and 1,000 Brotherhood supporters were arrested.

The group has called for daily protests after a crackdown on their camps in Cairo on Wednesday left hundreds dead.

The Brotherhood is demanding the reinstatement of Mohammed Morsi - Egypt's first democratically elected president - who was removed by the army last month and replaced with an interim government.


  1. Lets call a spade a spade, what happened in Egypt is a coup nothing else! The violence need to stop


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