Nelson Mandela in critical condition; not ready to "pull the plug"

The family of Nelson Mandela said yesterday doctors would not be asked to “pull the plug” as it goes against tribal beliefs.

Fears have grown for the ex-South African president after his condition slipped to critical at the weekend.

His daughter spoke out to say he is "at peace" and "only God knows the end".

As the world prays for the anti-apartheid legend, his eldest daughter Makaziwe Mandela said: "In our culture, the Tembu culture, that I know, the African culture that I know you never release the person unless the person has told you please my children, my family release me.

"My dad hasn’t said that to us. So these people who want to talk about, you know, release him, he hasn’t said we should release him and we haven’t come to the end yet. It is only God who knows the end."

Speaking to CNN, she added: "Yes, I believe he is at peace. He is at peace with himself. He has given so much to the world I believe he is at peace.'

His granddaughter Ndileka Mandela added: 'His fighting spirit is what amazes me. I don't know what keeps him fighting and he is stoic and determined that he will end things his way. Not any other person's way.

"I strongly feel that whatever covenant he has made with his ancestors and God has not been fulfilled, when that is fulfilled he will bow out in a way that he chooses."

Fears grew for the South African leader last night after his frail health took a turn for the worse.

Mr Mandela, 94 — in hospital since June 8 — has been battling a serious lung infection.
