Warren Buffett joins Twitter

There are not many 82-year-old men whose first five-word foray onto Twitter could deliver them 150,000 followers.

But this encouraging sign for silver internet surfers needs to be qualified with the fact that the tweet of ‘Warren is in the house’ came from the new account of the world’s most famous investor – @WarrenBuffett.


After racking up 45,000 followers in just 45 minutes with his arrival on social network Twitter yesterday, Buffett had reached 150,000 by the time he sent his second tweet, directing people to an essay he had written on ‘why women are key to America's prosperity’.

By 9.30am this morning Buffett had 252,500 followers.

The personal investors following the American investing guru will be hoping for tips, wise words and a greater insight into the strategy that has made him the world’s fourth richest man according to Forbes.

So revered is Buffett that a casual comment that he is buying more of Tesco, or though Apple was a touch undervalued, would be enough to send many scurrying to buy shares.

While he is not shy of dispensing his homespun investing wisdom, Buffett’s arrival on Twitter has surprised even his fans, as he has previously been averse to new technology.

Buffett’s Twitter following is likely to continue its rapid growth, especially if the man dubbed the Sage of Omaha reveals more about his investment choices.
