Jack Wilshere to undergo ankle surgery

Jack Wilshere will undergo ankle surgery next week, ruling him out of England’s forthcoming internationals against the Republic of Ireland and Brazil.

The 21-year-old Arsenal midfielder, who has been troubled by injury for two months, will have an operation to remove a pin from his ankle after his club’s final game of the season at Newcastle on Sunday.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said: ‘He will have small mild surgery after the season. At the moment Jack plays with painkillers and I use him only when it is really needed.

‘It is a very small operation. It will not be a problem but he will miss the England games. Is he disappointed not to play in Brazil? Of course, but he can go there next year for the World Cup.’

He was at pains to insist there are no underlying problems with the ankle, which Wilshere injured badly in 2011, missing all of last season as a result.
