Boko Haram abducts 92-year-old ex-Minister, Shettima Ali Mungono; ...kills LG chairman in Maiduguri

92-year-old elder statesman and first Minister of Petroleum Resources, Dr. Shettima Ali Monguno, CFR, was yesterday kidnapped in Borno State by suspected members of the Boko Haram Islamic sect shortly after performing the Juma’at Congregational prayers at a Mosque in Mafoni ward in Maiduguri metropolis.

Unknown gunmen had earlier on Thursday night, killed the acting Chairman of Dikwa Local Government Area in the state, Alhaji Kachallah Umara in his compound.

Mungono’s abduction took place at about 2pm in the area said to be the stronghold of the sect members.

Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, also said it was saddened by the news that Alhaji Monguno has been kidnapped by unknown gun men in Maiduguri, adding that ‘’he is not expected to be subjected to such hardship and humiliation by any group, be it sectarian or men of the underworld.’’

A statement signed by the National Publicity Secretary of ACF, Mr Anthony Sani stressed that: "if, as is being bandied about, Boko Haram members are the kidnappers in order to press for the release of their detained members by the authorities, then, they are going about it the wrong way,’’ and asked ‘’the good people of Borno state to keep calm and not take the laws into their hands as the federal and state governments go as far as efforts can go in order to bring to an end, the culture of violence under control not only in Borno and Yobe States but through out Nigeria."

The Special Adviser on Communications to Governor Kashim Shettima, Alhaji Isa Umar Gusau confirmed the incident.

Mungono, had been a strong agitator for the withdrawal of JTF troops from Borno and at the forefront of those asking the Federal Government to grant amnesty to the Boko Haram sect. As the Chairman of Borno Elders Forum, several meetings were held in his GRA compound on the security challenges affecting the state and the north in general.
