Bride spends wedding night in jail

After guests raised their glasses to the marriage of Amy Ward, 32, to Allen Herve, 54, things got a little heated.

So heated, in fact, that one of those glasses ended up being smashed in the face of a 29-year-old male guest, and the newlywed Mrs Herve found herself in a melee with 12 brawling men.

Police and paramedics were scrambled to the scene and Mrs Herve was arrested, still in her bridal gown.

She was taken away in handcuffs to be questioned on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm, and spent her wedding night in a cell.

Another man suffered a broken nose, while Mr Herve was treated at the scene for a cut to his elbow.

A friend of the couple said Mrs Herve was trying to defend her husband when he was attacked by an out-of-control guest. The friend said: ‘There is absolutely no way that Amy and Allen caused the trouble – far from it.

There was a guest at the wedding who behaved like a complete animal and he caused the trouble.

‘This guest got more and more drunk throughout the reception, increasingly misbehaved and acted totally out of order. He was rude and aggressive and he was upsetting lots of people at the reception.

‘The trouble started when he attacked Allen who had been trying to reason with him, telling him to behave. Amy saw Allen being attacked and was desperately trying to stop it. I didn’t see her hit the man but he definitely deserved something for the way he behaved.

‘I’m sure you can imagine how they must be feeling – no one would want something like this to happen at their wedding.’
