Aluu4 Movie: Idumota-based producer making movie on Uniport Killings?!

A movie on the unfortunate incident of Friday, October 5, 2012 in Omoikiri community of Aluu, Rivers state is in production.

This has attracts lots of backlash from the populace. For one, it is improper to take advantage of an incident whose memory is still fresh in our minds, to cash in. It smacks of fraud and is an insult on the sensibilities of the families whose children were brutally killed by that Aluu mob.

Secondly, it is possible that the movie producers did not sought the consent of the victims’ families nor did they visit the community where the gruesome murders took place to get a graphic and factual report of what transpired.

Finally, the intent and purpose of the producers (Simony Productions) of this movie is unknown. Is it to present an actual perspective of what happened on that black Friday or is it just based on heresay and what was reported over the internet? Or is it just another movie that will reopen sore wounds instead of giving closure to the bereaved families of Aluu4?
