Jack Wilshere makes Arsenal return

Jack Wilshere is on the way back — and that is great news for Arsenal and England.

Wilshere made his return in a Premier League Under-21 game at West Brom yesterday after 14 months out with a stress fracture of the foot.

He played 63 minutes before being subbed in a 1-0 loss, and said: “I’m shattered.”

But, asked if he was OK, a smiling Wilshere replied: “Yeah, I’m good.”

There was an obvious nervousness around The Hawthorns yesterday — from the player himself, the Arsenal staff, and his family who were looking on.

Wilshere broke in to the Arsenal squad two years ago, but his career has stalled due to an ankle injury he suffered prior to last season.

He sustained the injury against New York Red Bulls in July 2011, but encountered complications in his rehabilitation and then suffered a knee problem that required surgery last April.

The latest problem kept the 20-year-old out for the whole of last season, but he made a low-key return by completing 63 minutes in the Arsenal Under-21′s 1-0 defeat yesterday.

Wilshere looked lively throughout the match, with a beautiful reverse pass to set up a chance for Nico Yennaris serving as a reminder of the midfielder’s talent and vision.

Though, the 20-year-old midfield star struggled to keep up with the pace of the game but he rode a couple of strong challenges and looked comfortable on the ball.

Wilshere will not be considered for Arsenal’s clash at West Ham on Saturday, nor England’s upcoming double header against San Marino and Poland.

However, Gunners boss Arsene Wenger and England manager Roy Hodgson will both be relieved by the fact he emerged unscathed from his first test.

Arsenal team-mate Emmanuel Frimpong, also playing his way back from a long-term knee injury, said: “When you’ve been out for so long it’s only natural you’re going to be tired.
