"I want to be a Chelsea legend" - Oscar

Chelsea midfielder Oscar wants to follow in the footsteps of Frank Lampard and John Terry and become a legend at the club.

The Brazilian has become a key figure in recent weeks starting three out of the last four games in all competitions since hitting a brace on his debut in the Champions League clash with Juventus a fortnight ago.

Having forged a regular spot in Roberto Di Matteo's starting lineup the 21-year-old has now set himself the ultimate challenge of becoming a Stamford Bridge icon in the future.

However, the £25 million summer signing is aware that achieving his lofty goals certainly won't come easy and hopes to emulate the careers of Lampard and Terry in a bid to match their prestige in west London.

"I hope to have the same path as Lampard and Terry here at Chelsea," he told the Daily Mirror. "They have a great career at the club and are very important for the squad. They are big idols."

Maintaining his own high playing standards is one way Oscar plans to fulfill his ambitions, and believes the Blues supporters view him in a new light after making a surprise goalscoring entrance against Juventus.

"They [the English] will certainly follow me more closely now," he added

"When I played against Juventus, whenever I touched the ball, people looked at me in a different way. I hope I keep playing at a high level here.”
