40-year-old bride-to-be jailed for having sex with a 15-year-old boy she was babysitting

A bride-to-be who had an affair with a 15-year-old boy was jailed for two years - after being trapped by a lie detector test.

The teenager's father confronted Michelle Kay, 40, and demanded she take the test he had seen on TV to prove she had not had sex with the teenager.

Kay, from Colne, Lancashire, denied bedding the youngster but failed the test and police were called in to arrest her.

Kay shook in the dock at Burnley Crown Court as she admitted four charges of sexual activity with a child plus another offence of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

The mother of two began her 7-month fling with the youngster while babysitting for him in February 2011.
The allegations came to light after the boy, now 16, told a friend, who then told his mother. The boy’s dad was informed and confronted Kay.

After denying all the allegations, she agreed to a lie detector test - but she failed it and was arrested on October 7, 2011.

Passing sentence, Judge Jonathan Gibson told Kay: 'You had sexual relations with a boy who was aged 15 when it began and 16 when it ended. 'This is a serious case and activity of this kind is disapproved of generally by society. I have decided that a custodial sentence is inevitable.'

Kay was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders register for ten years and she was banned from working with children for five years.
