34-year-old cook abscond with employer's N15million jewellery!

A 34-year old man from the Republic of Benin employed as cook has absconded with his employer’s jewellery valued at N15 million just two months after he got the job.

The theft occurred at Berla Visita Street, Banana Island, Ikoyi, Lagos state, southwest Nigeria.

When all efforts to locate the fleeing suspect, George Josu, proved futile, his guarantors identified as Guy Kouton Oni, 45, and Edmond Zankilan, 31, both from Contonou in the Republic of Benin, were arrested by the police.

They were arraigned before an Igbosere Magistrate’s Court on a two-count charge of conspiracy and stealing.

The police at Ikoyi Division, Ikoyi, Lagos, alleged that the accused were arrested following complaints by Phillips Kehinde that her cook stole her jewellery valued at N15 million.

She further stated that on 26 September, the day of the incident, she left Josu at home and before her return, he was nowhere to be found.

She later discovered that Josu had ransacked her apartment and her jewellery were gone. She suspected Josu’s guarantors to have connived with him to steal the jewellery.

The police arrested the guarantors and during interrogation, the first accused Oni admitted introducing the cook to the woman, but claimed that he did not know the whereabouts of the suspect.

Oni said he knew nothing about the theft of the jewellery, but only helped to secure him the job, while the second guarantor, Zankilan denied knowing anything about the matter.

After police investigation, they were charged to court for conspiracy and stealing, an offence the prosecutor, ASP Julius Oyakhilome, said contravenes Sections 409 and 285 (8) of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011.

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges when it was read to them in the open court and the presiding magistrate, Mrs. A. F. O. Bofoku, admitted the first accused to bail in the sum of N100,000 with one surety, while the second accused was discharged and acquitted for lack of evidence linking him with the theft. She adjourned the matter till 22 October, 2012 for mention.
