Steve Bould hails Arsenal's new lethal forward Lukas Podolski

Steve Bould hailed Lukas Podolski as he helped Arsenal’s Champions League campaign get off to a flier.

Goals from the German ace and Gervinho were enough after Montpellier went ahead.

Gunners No 2 Bould said: “Podolski’s made an impact. I’ve not seen many finishers as good as him — ever. Right foot, left foot.

“He goes in hard in training. He’s a good trainer, a good boy. He’s really added something.”

Bould, who took over from Pat Rice in the summer, was in charge as boss Arsene Wenger watched from the stands due to a touchline ban.

And he admitted: “I’m not sure I enjoyed it. I’ve got a headache and a half. It’s tough.

“It’s a different pressure than I’ve been used to taking the Under-18s but we won and we had a great result.

“We were excellent in the first half. We kept the ball and kept the crowd quiet.

“We looked a little bit tired in the second half. It was tough. It’s quite an intimidating place to come and play so we’re glad to get the result.

“We’ve had a decent start to the season and kept the run going so it’s important all round.”

Podolski said: “I like the situation one-against-one against the keeper. It was an important goal.

“Now we go forward to Sunday’s match with Manchester City.”
