First Patience Jonathan, now Diezani Alison-Madueke ...Petroleum Minister hospitalised in London

From SaharaReporters,
A few days after breaking the news that President Goodluck Jonathan’s wife, Patience Jonathan, was hospitalized in Germany, It was learnt that Diezani Alison-Madueke, Nigeria’s Minister for Petroleum Resources, is also receiving treatment in a London hospital for a serious medical condition.

SaharaReporter's sources disclosed that Mrs. Madueke’s condition did not require immediate hospitalization, but described it as “potentially serious.” 

The source, who is a medical doctor, was only willing to divulge that the minister’s diagnosis is for a condition related to abnormal cell development in her body. The doctor declined to disclose if the diagnosis was a form of cancer, but said Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s condition “assumed a dire dimension recently.”

The medical source and another source close to the minister’s family claims, prior to her recent hospitalization, Mrs. Alison-Madueke had made monthly medical trips to the UK. One source disclosed that she sometimes used private jets arranged by Kola Aluko, a business tycoon with whom she has business ties.

It was learnt that the minister hid the medical nature of her trips to London by telling friends and other government officials that she was going to see her children living in the UK. “For this trip three days ago, Madam said she was escorting her children who were returning to London to continue their schooling,” one of the sources said.
