Boko Haram attacks MTN & Airtel masts In Kano

Residents of Kano northern Nigeria were gripped in fresh fear as unidentified gunmen set ablaze masts belonging to MTN and Airtel service providers at Hotoro and Sharada axis of the ancient commercial city.

Residents said the gun men suspected to be members of Boko Haram sect, came on motorbikes, shooting sporadically in the air as they set the service provider installations ablaze in a coordinated attack.

Security has been beefed up in the state as anti-terrorism squads were deployed to guard installations of service providers.

It was learnt  that the state director of State Security Services held emergency meeting today at the Giginyu headquarters of the SSS with tele-communication operators on the best way to secure communication outfits in Kano.

The terror gang had threatened to attack service providers over the role in the successful attack on their members by security agents.
