"Arsene Wenger had bigger impact on Arsenal than Sir Alex Ferguson has on Manchester United" - Hill-Wood

Arsene Wenger's impact on Arsenal is greater than his managerial counterpart Sir Alex Ferguson’s at Manchester United, according to club chairman Peter Hill-Wood.

The 76-year-old praised the impact of the Frenchman since his arrival in north London in 1996, insisting that the club has been “revolutionised” under his stewardship.

“You occasionally hear rumours of him going somewhere. I do not think that is likely to happen. He’s very happy where he is,” Hill-Wood told the London Evening Standard.

“He has a very good job in that we don’t interfere with him. We agree with most of the things he says and he agrees with most of the things we say. I have seen some really successful Arsenal managers but Arsene has revolutionised the club.

“I would say he has been a bigger influence than Alex Ferguson on Manchester United in the way he has changed the traditions of the club and the outlook of the Premiership.”

The Gunners have gone seven years without winning any silverware – the 2005 FA Cup their last triumph – and, while he understands the supporters’ concerns, abuse directed towards Wenger from the stands has “disgusted” Hill-Wood.

“What those fans shouted did not influence me one little bit,” he added.

“I was disgusted to hear them because Arsene’s been absolutely outstanding. He is still outstanding."

A commonly used reason behind Arsenal’s recent failure in competitions over the past few years has been the sacking of David Dein as Arsenal’s vice-chairman back in 2007, but Hill-Wood was quick to dismiss the move had any detrimental effect on the club or staff.

Hill-Wood insisted: “I don’t think David Dein’s departure has impacted on Arsene at all.

“Arsene has a very good relationship with Ivan [Gazidis, the chief executive reportedly on £2m a year] and it’s very business-like. He and Arsene get on very well.”
