67-year-old grandmother raped & strangled by her 26-year-old porn-obsessed neighbour!

A porn-obsessed man who spent his days watching obscene, violent internet videos raped and strangled a grandmother in her home.
Darren Jackson, 26, broke in and attacked neighbour Irene Lawless, 67, at night after searching websites for ‘mature women’.

After entering her bungalow through a small front window, he raped her twice and strangled her to death, leaving her naked body wedged between the bed and a wall.

Jackson was today jailed for life with a recommendation he is not considered for parole for 28 years.

Prosecutor Elwen Evans said: 'Jackson had spent the previous night in a nearby town in local pubs. 'He was picked up by his stepfather at 4.30am and brought back to the house where he was living next door to Mrs Lawless.

'Sometime after 5am Jackson broke into Irene’s home by climbing through an open window.
'He made his way into the front bedroom where Irene was sleeping. Her dentures were in solution beside her bed.

'In her bedroom he seriously physically and sexually assaulted her.'

Swansea Crown court heard the peaceful, thoughtful artist suffered 20 fractures to her ribs during the double rape attack in the quiet village of Llanllwni, near Llandovery, Carmarthenshire.

Miss Evans said: 'Jackson then killed her by manual strangulation and left her naked body on her bedroom floor.'

Jackson stole his victim’s handbag and car keys, planning to escape.

After emptying the handbag he dumped it in a neighbour’s plant pot and drove Mrs Lawless’s black Audi A3 to Deal, Kent, where he has friends.

The court was shown CCTV of Jackson 'calmly' buying petrol just 20 minutes away from the brutal attack on 22 January 2012.

He was arrested just 5 hours and 50 minutes after neighbours discovered the grandmother’s body.

The court heard Jackson had a scratch below his right eye from where Mrs Lawless had put up a 'significant struggle'.

Police searched the bungalow where Jackson lived with his mother and stepfather for three weeks before the murder.

Miss Evans said: 'During that period he had been using a computer in his parents’ house. 'Police looked at his internet searches and discovered a keen interest in websites dealing with rape, mature women, forceful oral sex and sex with sleeping women.'

Retired shorthand typist Mrs Lawless lived alone on the Bryndulais Estate in the village of Llanllwni, Carmarthenshire. She painted local scenes and made soaps and candles which she sold at galleries and craft markets.
