51-year-old man arraigned for faking brother’s death

The Ogun State Police Command on Tuesday arraigned a 51-year-old man, Victor Olajide, before an Abeokuta Chief Magistrate’s Court for perjury.

He was said to have told the police he could not appear before the court because he attended the funeral of his deceased brother, after he was served a court summons.

The police also accused Olajide of lying to the court about his whereabouts and for presenting fake invitation card issued for the supposed burial of his “late brother,” adding that the church he claimed the funeral service took place in Ekiti State denied organising such an event.

Police prosecutor, Mr. Paul Etusi, said Olajide committed the offence on October 9, 2009 about 10am at the High Court Registry, Isabo.

Etusi said following the absence of the accused, the court gave judgment in favour of the other party.

The police, however, said when Olajide appeared in court on the next adjourned date, he claimed that he travelled to Ekiti State for the burial.

The prosecutor said, “Olajide said he was not aware of the hearing but after proper investigation, he was found to be lying. The invitation card he tendered was fake.

“The said hospital where he claimed his brother died also denied knowing anyone bearing such name; the church at Ekiti said it did not hold any burial service on the said date.”

Etusi said the offence contravened sections 117 and 118 of the 2006 Criminal Code Laws of Ogun State.

The plea of the accused was however not taken.

His lawyer, Ola Falana, urged the court to grant the accused bail on liberal terms and assured the court that his client would be in court whenever he was needed.

The Chief Magistrate, Ayodele Ayobolu, granted the accused bail in the sum of N100,000 with one surety in like sum.

Ayobolu adjourned the matter to October 26 for further hearing.
