38-year-old woman divorce husband for talking too much!

A 38-year-old Nigerian housewife, Mrs Mariam Adunni of Omoda Area, Ilorin,Kwara state has been granted her wish by the town’s Area Court to dissolve her six-year-old marriage.

Her ground for dissolution: her husband has been an untamed chatterbox.

Adunni told the court that her husband,Garba Ajani not only talked too much, but also did not keep family secrets.

“My husband is fond of sharing our family affairs with his relatives and friends,” she told the court, adding that the defendant has had no time for fun with her and their children.

She said: “My husband has no trust in me, instead he shares his problems with friends and relatives who will mislead him.”

The plaintiff informed the court that the marriage was contracted in 2006 and had produced two children.

“I am tired of him because I have tried my best to change him and he is not ready to cooperate,” she said.

The defendant agreed to her request for divorce, saying, “nobody can turn my back against my parents.”

“I am ready to concede to her wish”, he said and urged the court to grant the prayer of the plaintiff.

The presiding Judge, Mr Quadri Ibrahim, in his judgment, dissolved the marriage and issued a certificate of divorce to the plaintiff.
