20-year old man arraigned for raping a 6-year-old girl

A 20-year-old man, Rafiu Tijani, was on Monday remanded in prison custody by an Oyo Magistrates’ Court, over the defilement of a minor.

The prosecution said the accused on Sept. 21, about 5 p.m. at Opapa area, Oyo, state had unlawful carnal knowledge of a six-year-old girl.

Police prosecutor, Sgt. Musa Raji, stated that the offence was contrary to section 34(1) and punishable under section 34(2) of Child Rights Law of Oyo State of Nigeria 2006.

The plea of the accused was not taken but the magistrate Mr Jejelola Ogunbona, ordered the accused to be remanded in prison custody pending the duplication of the case file for the office of Director of Public prosecution.
