President Goodluck Jonathan under fierce attack for 'alleged' Racist Comment in Trinidad and Tobago

President Goodluck Jonathan has come under a fierce attack due to his recent comment in Trinidad and Tobago

The President was quoted saying "Emancipation struggle is necessary so that one day the black man will also be at the top and can dictate to the rest of the world"

Comments on Trinidad Express Newspaper's post titled 'Promised land for the black man' reads:

"What utterly racist rubbish is Goodluck talking? Can you imagine what people's reaction would be if a white leader said he wants to see the White man on top? Could you imagine what the reaction would be if Kamla comes out and says her dream is for Indians to rule the world? This is what we bring down the Nigerian President for? To talk such racist rubbish? The fact that Kamla readily agrees with this kind of thinking speaks volumes."

"I think this man is living in the century that went by"

"Empty rhetoric. What nonsense he talking about "the black man will be on top and dominate the world" No human can do this without problems. That issuch a politically incorrect statement for a president of a country to make. They here to hoodwink Trinis just like Kamla."

"I wonder if the Nigerian Expats will be involved in Deep sea exploration? Just what is the basis for exchange between the two countries under consideration......employment for locals in Nigeria? Future based upon GoodLuck."

"That speech has a load of contentious issues."

"It would appear that the resident Nigerian High Commissioner either did not brief his President or was not privy to the remarks that he would deliver to a national audience in a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society. I don't want to rain on Goodluck's parade, but when I see him help the Zimbabwean people emancipate themselves from his fellow leader Mugabe, then I'll take him seriously."
