Pictures Of Fuel Subsidy Removal Protests

For the second day running, Nigerians opposed to the removal of subsidy on petrol took to the streets across the country, meeting with mixed ‘reception’ in the hands of security agencies.

While the protests were peaceful in the main, a man in his mid-20s was killed yesterday in Ilorin, Kwara State where protesters put up bonfires on several roads in the state capital, chanting anti-deregulation slogans.

Notable among the protesters are the likes of Hon. Dino Melaye, Mrs. Ganiat Fawehinmi, Seun Kuti, Banky W, and others.

more pictures as you read on

Mrs. Ganiat Fawehinmi

Hon. Dino Melaye with protesters

Banky W with protesters

Seun Kuti

Seun Kuti at the fore-front
