Passengers Panic As British Airways Crew Mistakenly Announce The Jet Is Going Down

Passengers feared for their lives when British Airways cabin crew mistakenly announced their plane was about to make an emergency landing - on the sea.

Duncan and Tracey Farquharson said they were three hours into the Miami-London flight when a recorded message was played over the public address system warning that the aircraft was going down.
The message said: “This is an emergency, we will shortly be making an emergency landing on water”.

Passengers began panicking before a flight attendant informed them it was a mistake about 30 seconds later.

“We looked at each other and figured we were both about to die,” Mr Farquharson said. “Families with children were distraught and people were in tears.”

The crew were allegedly blasé about the situation and did not explain the error until hour later upon landing at Heathrow Airport.

“Imagining yourself plunging towards a cold, watery grave in the middle of the Atlantic is a pretty horrific thought but they seemed very blasé about it.”

A spokesman for the airline confirmed the incident and said the crew apologised during the flight.

"The cabin crew cancelled the announcement immediately and sought to reassure customers that the flight was operating normally," the spokesman said.
