7-Year-Old Girl 'Sacrificed For A Better Harvest' In India!

Police in India say they have arrested two people who are suspected of sacrificing a child.

It's believed the girl was murdered and her liver was offered to gods to improve crop growth.

Police chief Narayan Das told AFP: "A seven-year-old girl was sacrificed by two persons superstitiously believing that the act would give a better harvest."
Lalita Tati's body was found in October one week after her family reported her missing.

The girl was from the jungle district of Chhattisgarh, an area dominated by rebel Maoists.

Human sacrifices occasionally occur in poor areas where local people revere black magic superstitions. Victims are often killed by witchdoctors to appease spirits or deities.

There were two child sacrifices reported in the same area in 2010.Police say they are looking for others who may be involved in the killing of the girl.
