Manchester City FC Christmas Party Pictures!

After suffering their first Premier League defeat of the season Manchester City partied away their sorrows.

The world's most expensive football team arrived in an array of costumes last night for the club's Christmas party at Anaya in central London. Perhaps the team had been focusing too much on their fancy dress outfits prior to their 2-1 defeat at the hands of Chelsea earlier in the day.

England international Gareth Barry made a convincing 'Where's Wally' in a striped red top and matching hat, although he did get the costume slightly wrong.
The midfielder had drawn a mustache onto his face but Wally doesn't have any facial hair.

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One party attendee arrived dressed in a blue Avatar mask teamed with a Manchester City football shirt. Although the identity of the Na'vi was not revealed, the costume wearer shared an uncanny resemblance with Argentine striker Carlos Tevez.

His countryman, Sergio Aguero, is known for his boyish good looks but nobody would have expected him to go dressed as a child. The 23-year-old arrived at the party as boy wizard Harry Potter and wore a dodgy looking wig.

City's goal-keeper Joe Hart went as his alter-ego. The six-foot-five shot stopper called himself Hartdog and was dressed in full American Football gear including a helmet and padding.

Even club manager Roberto Mancini got in on the fun and looked a dead ringer for Ozzy Osbourne.

The players partied at Anaya before returning to their hotel at 5.30am to continue their festivities. Pablo Zabaleta left looking a little worse for ware and had to be helped by a burly minder.

(left) Joe Hart, (right) Manager - Roberto Mancini

(left) Gareth Barry, (right) Sergio Aguero 

(left) Owen Hargreaves, (right) De Jong

