Beyoncé Sued For $100 Million By Video Game Company!

With only a few months to go until she gives birth to her first child, it is vital that Beyoncé avoid stress of any kind. However if video game company Gate Five have their way, the 30-year-old may soon see a downturn in her fortunes- quite literally.

Beyoncé is being sued by the company for $100 million after 'abandoning' a project to make a dance video game in April. 

Gate Five have claimed that the R&B star 'abruptly abandoned' the project to make the video game Starpower: Beyoncé after making an 'extortionate demand' for more money.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Ramos has rejected Beyoncé's request to toss the suit, ruling that gate Five may proceed with civil action.

The pregnant star appears to be taking the news in her stride, and was pictured gently touching her baby bump as she lefts Sakura Nails in New York yesterday.

Beyoncé was first sued in April, but had hoped that the case would be dropped. She is now facing a $100 million lawsuit as Gate Five claims she cost them a $7 million investment, meaning that they were forced to lay-off 70 employees shortly before last Christmas, and missed out on $100 million in profits.

Justice Ramos delivered his ruling without explanation.

In the suit filed in April, Gate Five accused the pregnant songstress of a 'bad faith breach of contract so callous that, on what appeared to be a whim, she destroyed Gate Five’s business and drove 70 people into unemployment, the week before Christmas (2010).'

Beyoncé’s lawyers protest that she had every right to walk because Gate Five had not met the mid-November deadline to finance the project.
