Rev. Chris Okotie hails IBB at 70

Former Presidential Candidate of Fresh Party of Nigeria, Rev. Chris Okotie, yesterday, joined other well-wishers in congratulating former Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida, on his 70th birthday, tomorrow.

In a message,  Rev. Okotie paid glowing tributes to the former President in a short poem in which he highlighted his well-known attributes.

The pastor-politician,  who is also known as Prince of Nigeria, wrote:

He is gregarious
Yet not boisterous
He is evasive
Yet not reclusive      
He could be Machiavelli
Yet arrayed as a political Armani
He is fluid in his aquarian disposition
Yet rock-solid in his intrinsic determination
We salute one of the last great senior generals of the great Nigerian host
To IBB , the great Kahuna himself,
We say happy birthday, Sir, at 70
May the Lord grant you prosperity and longevity.

He prayed Babangida  to continue to play his role as a statesman in the country.
