Parker: 'Sex and the City 3' movie is possible

Days after reports surfaced that Sarah Jessica Parker was planning to bring “Sex and The City” back to television, after a tabloid suggested she scrapped plans for a movie, the actress herself confirmed to Parade, there is actually an idea for a third film. 

When asked if there was a chance for a third installment in the HBO show-turned-big screen franchise to return, Parker said it just might. “There is. I know what the story is,” she told Parade magazine, in an issue set to appear in newspapers on Sunday. “It’s a small story, but I think it should be told. The question is, what’s the right time to tell it?” 

Previously, a rep for Parker shot down the tabloid report last weekend that she was behind a move to bring Carrie Bradshaw and the gang back to television. Beyond “Sex and The City” talk, Parker confirmed her eldest son, with husband Matthew Broderick, James Wilkie, 8, wants to be an actor. But, mom isn’t ready to let him join the family business just yet.

“I don’t want him to do it until after he goes to college: But part of me thinks maybe it’s better if he knows the truth now about how hard it is to be a working actor,” she told the mag. “I don’t know that he grasps what it took to get us here.” And it won’t be long before the twins Loretta and Tabitha, 2, start getting vocal about their aspirations too. Parker said the little ones are already quite rambunctious. 

“They’re talking, they’re running, they need me. Loretta is deeply inquisitive: ‘Do you see that, do you hear that, Mama?’ She constantly checks that we are connecting with her,” the actress said, adding that her sister is the family princess. “Tabitha does not give; she receives.”
