John Terry's Photo Featured On Indian Cigarettes Without His Consent!

John Terry is taking legal advice after a blurred photo of the Chelsea and England captain appeared on cigarette packs in India.

The blurred head-and-upper-body image appears above the words Smoking Kills, reports the Indian Express. The newspaper said it was part of an anti-smoking drive but the government's Directorate of Visual Publicity said it was unclear why the image was used.

A spokesman for Elite Management, which represents John Terry, told the BBC no consent had been given. 

His statement read: "It's been brought to our attention that an image of our client has been used on some cigarette packaging without our consent or knowledge. We've now instructed our legal team to investigate this matter."

The Indian government has blundered before on advertising. In 2010, officials apologised after a government advertisement included an image of a Pakistani ex-air force chief alongside prominent Indians.

Also that year, the state of Meghalaya had to withdraw school textbooks that featured pictures of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette and a can of beer.
