Suit Filed Against Pope Benedict XVI For Failing To Wear Seatbelt !
The Pope should wear a seatbelt like everyone else, feels one concerned German citizen.
So great is the concern that the unidentified person from Dortmund has filed charges against Pope Benedict XVI for failing to wear a seatbelt while being driven through Germany in the Popemobile during an official visit in September.
The Sundermann law offices, which represent the plaintiff, said it could produce witnesses who had seen the Pope not wearing a seatbelt in the moving Popemobile. It also pointed to assorted German officials, such as the archbishop of Freiburg and the head of the German Catholic Bishops Association, who would have seen the violation of safety laws.
The charges have been filed with the city of Freiburg, the last leg of Benedict's September visit. The city has confirmed receipt of the complaint. Lawyers there must now ponder whether the Pope, a German, should be treated as a regular German citizen for this complaint, or if he would enjoy diplomatic immunity as head of the Vatican.
The Sundermann firm said its client is not Catholic, but just a person who became aware of a deadly traffic accident shortly after the papal visit and became worried about the Pope's health, noting that failure to wear a seatbelt can be deadly even in low-speed collisions.
The Popemobile comes equipped with seatbelts.
So great is the concern that the unidentified person from Dortmund has filed charges against Pope Benedict XVI for failing to wear a seatbelt while being driven through Germany in the Popemobile during an official visit in September.
The Sundermann law offices, which represent the plaintiff, said it could produce witnesses who had seen the Pope not wearing a seatbelt in the moving Popemobile. It also pointed to assorted German officials, such as the archbishop of Freiburg and the head of the German Catholic Bishops Association, who would have seen the violation of safety laws.
The charges have been filed with the city of Freiburg, the last leg of Benedict's September visit. The city has confirmed receipt of the complaint. Lawyers there must now ponder whether the Pope, a German, should be treated as a regular German citizen for this complaint, or if he would enjoy diplomatic immunity as head of the Vatican.
The Sundermann firm said its client is not Catholic, but just a person who became aware of a deadly traffic accident shortly after the papal visit and became worried about the Pope's health, noting that failure to wear a seatbelt can be deadly even in low-speed collisions.
The Popemobile comes equipped with seatbelts.
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